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Career Booster Student Program

Friday, February 28th
Hamilton Convention Centre by Carmen’s

For a second year, we’re organizing a Career Booster Student Program which will allow two students from each of the 11 OAVT accredited colleges across Ontario to experience the conference for one full day. Each student participant will receive transportation to the conference, a student “care package” containing OAVT logoed SWAG, be treated to a full tour of tradeshow exhibits, meet with ‘seasoned’ RVTs from different sectors, participate in one workshop, and attend a VTNE Q & A, in addition to enjoying lunch and networking with their peers. A true ‘conference experience’ for these soon-to-be RVTs.  

Advocate Sponsor: $5,000 Exclusive

Includes: Career Booster Student Program (CBSP) Sponsor tag line on all emails, logo on the CBSP Conference website page with link to preferred URL, logo in Conference Guide, one social media highlight, logo on swag item and an opportunity to meet with the students.

Booster Sponsor: $4,000 Exclusive

Includes: Career Booster Student Program (CBSP) Sponsor tag line on all emails, logo on the CBSP Conference website page with link to preferred URL, logo in Conference Guide, one social media highlight, and an opportunity to meet with the students.

Supporter Sponsor: $2,500

Includes: Logo on the CBSP Conference website page with link to preferred URL, logo in Conference emails, logo in Conference Guide and one social media highlight.

Friend Sponsor: $1,500

Includes: Logo on the CBSP Conference website page with link to preferred URL, logo in Conference emails, and logo in Conference Guide.

Interested? Contact Tammy Oswick ( for more information.